
Terms and conditions


**Terms and Conditions**

*Note: All text in red is subject to the discretion of the project owner.


(A brief overview of the application, the service provider, the health services provided, and a disclaimer that the application is not authorized to prescribe any medications or drugs.)

**General Provisions:**

The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them whenever they appear:

- **Service Provider:** Refers to the Na'awon application and website.

- **Beneficiary:** Refers to any sane individual who has reached the age of eighteen according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, possessing a national ID or legal residency. If the beneficiary does not meet the health or age requirements, a responsible adult from the family must accompany them during the service provision.

- **Therapist:** Refers to the person or persons assigned by the service provider, based on the beneficiary's selection, to provide the chosen health care.

- **Competent Authority:** Refers to the Saudi Ministry of Health and the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.

**Service Provision Policy:**

- The beneficiary must disclose any illnesses, symptoms, and medications they are using when requesting the service in the electronic declaration form.

- All therapists in the application hold the necessary qualifications and licenses to practice their profession from the competent authority in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

- Booking an appointment requires full payment of the service fee.

- The session duration starts ten minutes after the therapist arrives at the location specified in the application and notifies the beneficiary.

- If the beneficiary wishes to extend the session after the scheduled time, prior approval from the service provider is required. Otherwise, an additional charge equivalent to 50% of the session fee will apply for every ten extra minutes, provided it does not conflict with other appointments.

- All service purchases are subject to the regulations and rules of the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority.

- By purchasing the service, the beneficiary automatically agrees to the terms and conditions published on the Na'awon application and website.

- The therapist is committed to informing the beneficiary or their family of their medical diagnosis in a language they understand, without violating professional ethics and regulatory standards.

- The therapist is committed to informing the beneficiary or their family of how to obtain accurate health care information.

- The therapist has the right to stop the session if they deem it harmful to the beneficiary's health, based on their medical and health expertise.

- The service provider is committed to displaying the therapist’s name and the accompanying medical team (if any), along with their qualifications and years of experience.

- The service provider is committed to providing a channel for receiving complaints and suggestions from beneficiaries and their families regarding the service and the therapist.

**Privacy Policy:**

- The service provider and therapists are committed to maintaining client confidentiality and respecting their privacy in accordance with Saudi customs and regulations.

- The Na'awon application/website retains the following personal data:

  - Beneficiary's name.

  - Contact information.

  - Beneficiary's place of residence.

  - Beneficiary's medical record.

- The Na'awon application/website retains the aforementioned personal data for varying periods depending on each case, ensuring that the retention period is not longer than necessary.

- Beneficiary data is collected for the following purposes:

  - Creating a personal account for the beneficiary upon registration in the Na'awon application/website.

  - Providing and improving the services of the Na'awon application/website.

  - Facilitating communication and interaction with the beneficiary in case of assistance requests, answering inquiries, and handling complaints.

  - Preventing violations of the terms and conditions and service provision policies by any party.

**Cancellation Policy:**

- The beneficiary has the right to cancel or reschedule appointments at least (48/72 hours) before the session, with the session fee refunded within (.......) days.

- If the session is canceled less than (48/72 hours) before the appointment, the beneficiary is not entitled to a refund of the paid fee.

**Final Provisions:**

- The role of the service provider is limited to selecting and providing qualified professionals to deliver the available services and connecting them with the beneficiaries (it can be clarified that the therapist is responsible for their actions).

- In case of any dispute or conflict that cannot be resolved, the courts of Dammam will have jurisdiction to settle the matter according to Saudi regulations.

- The application is solely intended for the services listed within it, and it is prohibited to use it for the sale or exchange of products of any kind; violators will be referred directly to the relevant authorities.

- The service provider is responsible for submitting all data to the relevant authorities in the event of any ethical or professional misconduct.

- The role of the service provider is limited to offering health sessions, and they disclaim any liability for actions that may violate Islamic law or Saudi regulations.

- The service provider reserves the right to update or change the terms and conditions without notifying the beneficiaries, with the new terms taking effect immediately.